about ray

I want to help people become wildly curious about their bodies in movement.

I’m a Feldenkrais practitioner and movement enthusiast based in Western Massachusetts. My central movement passion and competency is the Feldenkrais Method, an innovative system that approaches human development and the improvement of function through movement and directed attention. I completed my Feldenkrais training in New York City under David Zemach-Bersin in 2016.

I’ve also studied and experienced a range of additional functional and structural bodywork modalities, including Rolfing, Egoscue, and Z-Health.

I’m a writer/editor, primarily in the nonfiction realm on the topics of health, wellness, diet, and nutrition. I have a particular interest in the ancestral health movement.

I have a family I adore: my wife, Kristen, and my son, Finn, who keep me both grounded and awed.

Click here to read the story of my movement struggles at a young age—and how the movement practice I developed out of those struggles gave me a richer sense of myself and a deeper trust in the resilience and adaptability of the human organism.